Sunday, November 10, 2013

Old People

I asked Gary just now what I should write about today and he said, "Living with an old guy."

It's not bad.

Gary and I are almost the same age.  I can't imagine living with someone younger than I am, nor can he. We have lived through the same periods of history, the same music, the same films, the same trends in literature. We can discuss politics knowing how the parties have evolved over the years.  We both are liberals though it took Gary longer to get there than me.  He even wrote a letter of encouragement to Richard Nixon during the Watergate hearings! He is now more liberal than I am but that just makes our discussions more interesting.

We have similar health issues with the same aches and pains, though his problems revolve more around blood pressure and cholesterol and mine around arthritis.  We both work on our health issues.  We discuss our diets. These days we eat more fruits and vegetables than meat.  We work out at the fitness center.  I use the aquatic center.

We both have problems with memory though I always have been absent-minded so I don't notice it as much.With anything important, we ask the other to write reminders.  We have a calendar on the refrigerator and that helps.  I now remind Gary about bills he has to pay and in the New Year, he thinks I should pay all the bills because my system is more workable.

So far, we both drive well, I think, but there is some discussion about where we are going. GPS helps with that though in fact I like getting lost once in a while.

I think that the older we get, the longer we live together, the better our lives become.

In another year, we expect to leave Seymour and find our next little love nest. I have no fear of that as long as I have Gary.

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