Saturday, March 5, 2011

Bread in the Oven

There's three loaves of bread in the oven.  Can anyone resist fresh bread?  Gary and I can't.  It's terrible for our waists, but oh, so good for my mental health. 

With politics on my mind, I worry about the effects of the bills going through the state legislature.  They will certainly be bad for teachers, librarians, and other public servants.  The State of Wisconsin is taking a leap backward, ironic since our state motto is "Forward!"   A century of progressivism is being overturned. 

The city of Seymour will suffer in ways most people haven't even thought about. One example is that our new governor is trying to get rid of recycling.  At least half of what leaves our house goes into recycling bins.  If we can't find another outlet, it will go in with our garbage.  If our household is any indication, that would mean twice as much garbage to be taken out by fewer workers since the governor wants to get rid of public employees.  We may have to cut back on garbage collection, perhaps every other week instead of weekly.

What his most ardent supporters seem  not to understand is that the city pays a "tipping fee" for each ton of garbage that goes in the landfill.  This will double our fee and that adds to either the tax burden or to water/sewer bills.  That is just one of the many little ways the middle class will be hit once again. 

So I am frustrated with what's going on in Madison.  I take it out by viciously punching the bread dough.  It's better than my second alternative which is to write yet another short story in which I kill someone off. 

Either way, these tactics keep me peaceable...mostly.  

Friday, March 4, 2011

Audio Out

It seems that the audio on my profile is out again. That part of my blog is the only thing I haven't been able to tame.  It will have to remain inoperable until Chris, my computer tech son, has another look at it. It may be that his home server, through which all things audio run, is down.

In this internet age, it is useful to have a techie son.  Chris works for Kimberly Clark keeping bugs out of the computer network.  He has direct access to some 50,000 desk top computers around the world.  With the same system, he can go into my Seymour computer from his desk in Appleton and take a quick scan to make sure things are working well.  Just a quick phone call to him to report a problem, and suddenly my screen is being rapidly scrolled through as he checks it for problems.  In seconds, he isolates a problem and fixes it.

One of my friend's sons watched this process once and said, "He's like Data in Star Trek!"  

I used to dream of a child who would be gifted in music or one of the other arts.  I am now content with a son who is a genius in computer technology.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

An evening off.

Gary is off at his regular Thursday night meeting and I am alone in the house, save for Rascal Cat.  This doesn't happen very often.  For just one night a week, I enjoy the solitude, the time to meditate and read.  The television and radio are off and save for an occasional "meow" request for something or other, the house is so, so quiet.

In theory, I could use this time for doing something constructive, but I never do. I float through four hours of my own time at my own speed.   Even this blog is short.  Why think when I can vegetate?    

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Summer, 2012

The summer reading program theme for 2012 is "Night" with the pre-school and elementary school being something about dreams.  I may try to work my way east on that one, though I am not sure I will get as many bookings as I have for summer 2011 with the theme "One World, Many Stories."

It at least is worth a try.  If nothing else, I can demonstrate my snoozing techniques.   I've never told in Rhode Island, South Carolina or Mississippi.

However, in 2013, the theme is "Underground".  How can I possibly find work with that?  It sounds like I would be required to crawl through tunnels.

Our Wisconsin governor is talking about cutting funds to libraries, so I am not sure what kind of money will be available anyhow.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Back on Track

With Jacynth and Heather safely in Rhinelander, I am having a normal week.  For me, that means two hours of writing in the morning before Gary wakes up, followed by breakfast.  Next comes cleaning chores, minimal, I am not obsessive about that.

Then if the weather is good, I take my first walk of the morning, combining it with errands, such as putting up posters for the library and shopping for groceries.  Walks are part of writing, because I am usually mulling over problems with characters and plot.  

Next, lunch with Gary, more writing, then a swim at the pool.  One more walk and supper.  Tonight, I'm baking apple scones, followed by working on storytelling projects.  This evening, that means editing a press release.

Writers don't have 9 to 5 jobs, the schedule always varies.  

Monday, February 28, 2011

Just Plumb Tired

I picked up Caim at 8:30 a.m. to drive them to Rhinelander.  For the next week, they'll be staying with friends in the northern part of the state, performing at a house concert and later on doing a concert at the Eagle River Public Library.  Originally, we talked about me driving them up, staying the night, and coming home by myself the next day.

I decided to do it all in one day, because I have my own tour to work on.  I must get the press release and photo to the libraries I'll be at this summer.  I am trying to get another e-book finished, too.  This is the only week of the Caim tour I'll have free, so after a brief lunch, I turned around and drove home.  It was seven hours of driving in all.

It is good practice for the summer touring, when I will often have long days in the car, but tonight I am just plumb tired and am going to bed.  

Tomorrow, it's back to work.

Sunday, February 27, 2011


Jacynth and Heather performed at the Seymour United Methodist Church this morning.  We went to Don's Supermarket to load up on salad fixings, then we went swimming.  We splashed around with kids in the arthritis pool.  

When we got back, we found Sister Annice telling Gary about her adventures in Madison.  A new friendship formed there.

Tomorrow, I drive Jacynth and Heather to Rhinelander.  This time, I pack for possible winter delay in returning.