With politics on my mind, I worry about the effects of the bills going through the state legislature. They will certainly be bad for teachers, librarians, and other public servants. The State of Wisconsin is taking a leap backward, ironic since our state motto is "Forward!" A century of progressivism is being overturned.
The city of Seymour will suffer in ways most people haven't even thought about. One example is that our new governor is trying to get rid of recycling. At least half of what leaves our house goes into recycling bins. If we can't find another outlet, it will go in with our garbage. If our household is any indication, that would mean twice as much garbage to be taken out by fewer workers since the governor wants to get rid of public employees. We may have to cut back on garbage collection, perhaps every other week instead of weekly.
What his most ardent supporters seem not to understand is that the city pays a "tipping fee" for each ton of garbage that goes in the landfill. This will double our fee and that adds to either the tax burden or to water/sewer bills. That is just one of the many little ways the middle class will be hit once again.
So I am frustrated with what's going on in Madison. I take it out by viciously punching the bread dough. It's better than my second alternative which is to write yet another short story in which I kill someone off.
Either way, these tactics keep me peaceable...mostly.