Saturday, January 18, 2014

Absoluely delightful, exhausting day

My brother Carl arrive at 10;00 a.m..  He was meeting a friend in Green Bay so had time to see his ailing sister.

Carl, like me, decided to run for a city council, this on in Ashland.  I haven't been on the Seymour city council in years but it seems that crazy people go o city council meetings all the time.  They listen to Fox News and decide they've learned something.  Then they spout it in meetings.

So we talked about where I stand. Gary described my treatment.  

Finally we heard from Chris, Tisha and Evan.  We decided to all meet at Gallaghers for pizza.   And so we did until we reached consensus on several issues.  I am transferring all my interest in a cemetery plot to my brother.  On Friday, Chris will take me o Milwaukee for another test, but first I must make him my health provider. I also must finish banking papers giving him access to my money.

Thn there was Evan, who at the age of 8 is writing about his ancestors.   We talked about where our family came from.  We are a mongrel breed.

When we were all home, they undecorated my Christmas tree, which is as good a way to celebrate spring as any.  Now that it is down,we will open up the dining room blinds bringing sunshine to that end of the house.

And then I collapsed into bed.

We had planned on going to the RV/camping show in Green Bay, but Gary worried about the germs  a crowd like that would carry.  It is bad enough o have a tumor.  Would a virus carry me off?  So I am now home again, exhausted, and likely to stay here for the next day or two.

Friday, January 17, 2014

Ducks in a Row

Today was a day o getting all my ducks in a row ... in other words, getting organized.

We began with the bank.  We arranged for Chris to have access to my checking account.  All my bills are paid but there will be times he might need cash ... a funeral comes to mind and now he has a way to get the ball rolling should he need to. Not that I am eager to get there, but I want to make it as easy as possible if it comes to that.

Next we went to see Perry Pierre, attorney.  Perry was my mother's neighbor and I worked with him on many community issues.  He is completely trustworthy, shares our views on environmental issues.  Except for one.  Perry has undertaken ridding Rock Ledge Park of gophers by shooting them with  bow and arrows.  Better than poisons, I expect.  When Gary got o his will, h suggested establishing a preserve for gophers. Perry saw the humor in that.

In the end, both Gary and I made the usual bequests, but if there are no heirs when it comes to the end,our money would go to the Nature Conservency which buys wild lands to save them from development. He also wanted a bequest to the Genesee Club in Applton with thanks for his many years of sobriety.  

In some ways, we can avoid wills enirely by PODs or payment on death.  Gary has some certificates at the bank. My nam is on them with PODs.  Should he die, I would get that money.  Now I have the same set up for Chris and my account.  Th same thing will happen with his house though Gary will have a small mortgage because he has helped so much with the bills.

OK, that was taken care of, to my relief.   Then I go to Froedert Hospital in Milwaukee on next Friday.  I have an appointment there for one more test.  Then we decide if I have the surgery.

Meanwhile Tisha, Chis and Evan will be here this weekend to take down the Chrismas tree.  My brother Carl will be here for a visit.

Then we'll go to the RV/camping show in Geen Bay.  Yes there will be lots of walking but every camper has a bed and lounging chairs.  If I am tired, I can rest. We'll meet our friends he Stellicks there.

So I keep making plans.  I have a ways to go yet.  

Thursday, January 16, 2014

More Changes

One more test this morning.  I hate the constant testing and I yearn for it all to be over.   And it seems it will.In a week or so, I go to Madison for one last test then  a hole will be drilled in my head and the tumor will be excised.

But before that starts, I need to get things in order in case the operation goes wong.  Tomorrow, Gary and I go to see my lawyer to get new wills drawn.  I will stop at the bank and get the form signed o give my son power of attorney for money matters.

Then I will be ready to go ahead with having my head drilled.

Then over he weekend, friends and relatives will come over to check on me.

At he moment, all Iwant to do is sleep.

It does seem that he trip to Hawaii is out for now.

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Birding and Tumor report.

Today, I found out that the tumor caused a problem with my peripheral vision meaning i can no longer driv a car.  More tests today o see if the steroids are shrinking the tumor.  I expect I will win up  in Madison.

My mind is functioning better but not my fingers which is the worst problem. a the moment.

But today, after a CT Scan  St. Elizabeth' hospital, Grary drove us over to nearby Jefferson Park to watch the Scaup diving into icy water for fish.  A birding trip always lifts my spirits.  We thought there might be swans there, too, but were too far  away for  a good look.

No matter what goes on in our lives, good o bad, nature goes chugging along.

Tuesday, January 14, 2014


Last night I woke up several times thinking about perfect moments in my life. Observation: almost all took place in nature and most of the time, Gary was there. Example: At Lost Lake, Gary woke me up in he middle of the night and led m to the front of he camper. We sat on chairs and waited. Three whitetail deer came out of the mist like ghosts to ommmune with us. They were as curious about us as we were aout them. Magic evening.

At Laura Lake we discoved a rcoon and her cusb in a dumpser.  He ound  a  pine branch and put it in.  Theracccoons managedmanged t oclimb out. 

We canoed down the Wolf River folloing juvenile bal eagles trying out their flying skills.

I remember parking my old Datsun pckupup truck in a church camp meadow and sleeping :) with Gary in the back while watching a lunar elipse.

I also remember a group of women friends holding an "intervention"to convince me to break up  w ith Gary before he reachedecovery.  I am so glad I ddidn't listen to them.

Tonght I found a collection of w orld poeotry which included " Black Maigold's"which I first read in John Steinbeck's Cannery Row.
Th Sanskrit poem tells the story of a peasant who dared to love a prhincess and is being put o death. This is  the last verse.

"Even now
I know tht I hare savored the hot taste of life
LIfting geen cups and gold at  the great feast.
I have full in my eyes from  off my girl
The whitest outpouring eternal light

After a lifetime of adventures and a great love, I feel that I too have l ifted green cups and gold.

No regrets.

Monday, January 13, 2014


After many days of confused typin on this log , readers begaan to ack what was wrong.  Today Gay took meo see his  dotcor W e had begun o think o combiningoumedicl care for some time. T oay was hedray.   Theoctor,after hesringGay talk bout me blurring my speech ordered  x CAT scan.

It  showed that I have a  pecan sized oject t in the frontal lobe of my brain.  A tumor?  An aneurysm?  N way of knowing yet.

on Thusday,wecconsn\lt with a brain surgeon for more tests.  

i will keep my readers informed.  Looks to be an interesing story.

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Return of theLord of th MQNOR

I am zfill in lu mode,elapsin fom th flu hourly ut Gary returned from IllinoiX.  ITHINK  HINGS WILL IMPROVE NOE.

I am si