Sunday, November 3, 2013


I haven't been posting photos lately.  At the end of the camping season, my Canon camera stopped functioning. It was beyond repair. At least I could removed all the photos from my trip around Lake Superior and the summer's camping.

I switched to an older camera, a Nikon.  It actually took better photos than the Canon was was bulkier. I could toss the Canon into a jacket pocket and take off.  The Nikon required shoulder straps.  Still, I had a camera and was happy about that.

One night, I was sitting at this desk after putting uploading a couple of photos to this blog.  I removed the memory stick.  It slipped from my fingers and landed ... where?

I got up, looked at the floor around the chair. The memory stick was nowhere to be found. I felt around the cushion, but it was there.  It hadn't fallen on  any of my pants.

I called Gary into my office.  He looked for the memory stick on the floor, on my chair and my pants.  (I loved the pat down.)  We checked the waste and recycling baskets. Nothing.

Today, Chris, Tisha and Evan were here.  I told them about my problem.  Tisha and Evan crawled around on the floor with flashlights after I explained what had happened. They found nothing. Chris, who has a very logical mind looked at the chair and began to feel around the cushion.

"We tried that," I said. Then pushed down the center of the cushion, which pulled the edges in. And there the memory stick was, wedged between the arm of the chair and the cushion.  The memory stick had fallen in there but the minute I stood up, the cushion had plumped back out to the edge of the arm. Then I couldn't see the stick.  When I sat down, the area would open up but then, of course, I couldn't see it.

Mystery solved.

So once again, I have a camera.  I'm ready for the holidays and in February, Hawaii.

Evan is taking piano lessons and I am delighted.  He has extremely long fingers for a child and he is picking up the idea of the keyboard easily.  He has reached the point of playing with both hands. I think that soon I will be able to play duets with him.


The proof copy of The Glen Valley Compact has been sent to me. I should have it by next weekend.

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