Monday, October 28, 2013

More Goals

I am in the middle of another run through on the mystery.  It's a line by line look at the piece.

I discovered that midway through the book, the Glen Valley Chronicle, the weekly newspaper, had become the Glen Valley Times. That had to be fixed. I am still double checking names.

I got a calendar for August and September to straighten out the dates I was using. If I stuck with the ones I had in the rough draft, the murderer would have been in the town almost a month and that didn't make sense.

I'm still having problems with headers and page numbers.  When I use the system I have, none of it works.  I may have to do it all by hand which will be frustrating.

I am giving myself until October 31 to get it all figured out.

I have decided on a garbage truck as the photo for the cover, so tomorrow I will be out taking photos during the garbage pickup.

While I am working on the book, I am thinking ahead to the short story I must have written by Friday. Today, I got the idea for it.  Tomorrow, I will outline the story. The rough draft will be done on Wednesday, the second draft done on Thursday and the final draft on Friday when it will be posted.

On Friday, I will return to the novel based on my travels in Great Britain.

I see myself writing in this insane way through the end of 2013.  On New Year's Day  I will set new goals. Perhaps there will be a new Glen Valley book in 2014.  The friend who read the mystery enjoyed it and asked me to write a series.

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