Friday, March 15, 2013

A Weekend Just for Me...Sort Of

We began the day with snow, though it never amounted to much and melted immediately. Gary said we should go to Appleton and take care of errands there. 

We began with his haircut.  He and his father before him have been going to the same barbershop since the 1970's. He comes from a family that doesn't like change. He needed a haircut, he came from Illinois to get it at the barber he knew. While he was being shorn, I walked along College Avenue, stopping at the City Center when the snow/rain became too intense. It wasn't all that cold, but College Avenue often has a strong wind that can chill a walker to the bone. I found that a shop in the City Center that used to have great ice cream now was a sandwich shop.  Sad that. Even sadder, the special of the day was corned beef and cabbage. I was born on St. Patrick's Day but I've never liked it.  

Next we went to the Fox River Mall where we went to the cafe court for lunch. We like the chicken teriyaki there. We always get one portion and split it.  For exercise, we walked around the mall. One circuit is one mile so we've often used the mall to exercise. 

Now we come to the true reason for this trip. We went to the Apple Creek RV center so I could see the camper Gary wants to buy. It would be much bigger than the one we have. What he wanted me to see was the little room at the end which would serve as an office for me. He said we might want to someday live in the forests and I would need a place to write. We shall see where that leads.  

We bought groceries at Aldi's, always looking for bargains. From there, we went to Walmart, except I didn't go inside. Instead I checked Payless Shoes to see if there were any shoes that I might want.  I did find a pair that would be comfortable but not in my size.  

Finally, we went to Goodwill where I found a book I had been searching for, a journal of sorts with some inspirational ideas.  

All in all, a satisfactory day.   

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