Sunday, January 13, 2013


I've been working on my romance novel for several days now.  I got the cover done, that was the easy part, but getting the interior, or word part, done, that is another matter.

I have the words, all seventeen chapters.  I quickly managed to figure out how to put the 8-1/2 X 11 inch pages into 6 X 9 inch pages. That took only an hour.  In the e-book version that was easy because there are no "gutters".   The gutter is the extra space on the interior of the pages that is taken up by binding.  Open a book and you will see what I mean. E-books don't need gutters. After two hours, I got that done, or so I hope.  I won't know for sure until I see the proof copy.

What I still must do is pagination, or numbering of the pages.  This is not important in an e-book because there a reader can enlarge or change the fonts for easy reading.  The number of pages change accordingly. When the reader turns off the Kindle or Nook, the spot is marked and easily returned to. However, readers of paperbacks want those numbered pages as a reference in case they lose their bookmarks.

The header is the little line on the top of the page that gives the title on the left side and the chapter title on the right.  Again, headers are useful for the reader when trying to find his or her place.

I worked on headers and pagination for two hours and still have not worked out how to do it.  It may be that my Open Office system isn't up to the job.

The problem is time.  I need to have this book ready to go by tomorrow so that I get my proof back before I leave for Mississippi.  If I can approve the proof before I leave, I should have my books ready for a book signing on February 16.  No proof, no signing and money lost.

Every time the program doesn't work for me, people down the street can hear me scream at the computer with a huge AAAAAARRRRRRGGGGGGGHHHHHH!!!

Such are the joys of being a novelist.  

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