Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Election Night

We stayed at home.  I worked at this and that and now I have the television on watching the election news.  I am not the only one because friends from all over the world, from New Zealand, Australia, Iceland, the Netherlands, tell me they are watching, too.  What happens here in America does matter around the world and Romney, according to a BBC poll, is not considered to be someone the world wants in power.

My predictions are pretty much being proved right and that is due to very, very big voter turnout, even in the East Coast states that were hit by Hurricane Sandy.  It was inspirational to see those people lining up in rubble to take their turns in the hastily erected tents to cast their votes.

It was true all over the nation. This is one of the biggest turnouts we've had. The Republicans tried to push voter ID legislation that they said was to stem voter fraud, but since in the past decade there were only nine instances in the entire United States, this was voter suppression and nothing more.  This brought about a reaction from the targeted minority voters.  They came out in droves.  Hispanic voters supported Obama by 69 percent, the Asian voters by 74 percent and of course the African-American voters by 93 percent.

Women are supporting Obama by 54 percent.  Senator Lindsey Graham said at the Republican convention that you can't win an election with angry white men.  He was right.

The Republicans will hold the House of Representatives, the Democrats will hold the Senate, Barack Obama  will have a second term.  What it means is that we will have at least for the next two years, we will continue to have Congressional gridlock.  Billions of dollars spent on this election and we'll be back where we started.

But here's the good news:
Should there be an opening in the Supreme Court, it will be President Obama who nominates the next justice. The voters showed that they weren't swayed by the super PACs funded by billionaires. It looks like Wisconsin will elect the first openly lesbian woman to the United States Senate. And it is very possible that this is the beginning of the end of the Tea Party.

Or as Abraham Lincoln said,"You can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you can not fool all the people all the time."

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