Friday, December 20, 2013

Snow Day

This winter is getting a bit old.  Except that today is the last day of autumn.  Winter doesn't officially start until tomorrow.

However, it was winter in every way but the calendar.  It was snowing when Gary got home last night. It was snowing when we woke up. It snowed all day and is still snowing.

So other than running the snow blower and doing a bit of shoveling, we've been home all day. I missed a funeral I meant to go to.  I missed going shopping for a present for my grandson.

Instead we stayed in, watched a little television, read, and snacked on snickerdoodles.  I baked up some squash left from the farmers market this summer. I packed it in bags to put in the freezer. I thought about baking more cookies but I think I learned my lesson with the snickerdoodles.

Though our Christmas trees are on timers to make them light up two hours in the morning and three hours in the evening, today Gary turned them all day to lift our spirits.

Gary settled in next to the living room tree for a long winter's nap in his recliner.

I told him he really needed a cat to make it perfect, but we have agreed to avoid pets until we have moved, probably next summer.

I finished the last in my series of Christmas stories for people who don't like Christmas.  This time it was a coming out of the closet story.

There are two things that should never be done at Christmas:  tell your parents something they are not prepared to hear and giving someone a puppy.

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