Friday, October 11, 2013

Reasons to Celebrate

First of all, Happy Birthday to Wade, my partner over at Black Coffee Fiction. He's the hardest-working of us all, a writer who takes his craft seriously. I celebrate our friendship.

Second, I celebrate finishing up yet another short story, "The Lifeguards" at Black Coffee Fiction.  I first got the glimmerings for the story at the Seymour Aquatic Center while talking to Tony, one of the lifeguards.  I commented on how annoying my constant chatter must be to the crew, so much younger than me.  Tony and I talked about ways lifeguards could get rid of annoying swimmers.  It took two years for that to simmer then boil into the story I posted this afternoon.

Third, I celebrate yet another autumn day and me getting back into walking longer distances, four miles today. The summer with its heat, cold, rain, and mosquitoes was never quite conducive for exercise. Now I am working on getting into shape for my winter trip to Hawaii. And I'll celebrate that, too, come February.

I'm happy today that this blog seems to have finally hit its stride. For years, the weekly count was around 200 readers.  Suddenly, over 400 people a week are checking in to see what I am up to, people from every continent except Antarctica.  Whoever you are, I appreciate you.

Even bad news is getting little wrinkles of serendipity.  This morning a drain in the basement stopped up. Gary went in with a plunger to see if he could get it unstopped.  He didn't and that means we'll have a plumber tomorrow, but while he was plunging up refuse, he found a wadded up ten dollar bill!

It may be the lemon balm my friend Norma gave me (It maketh a merry heart!") but I am feeling serene and eager to see what the future brings.

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