Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Pot Scrubbers

Years ago my friend Norma gave me two Chinese pot scrubbers, or at least that is what they called them over ten years ago.  She found them  at a Dollar Tree and thought I might find a use for them. They were made of hard nylon in Hong Kong

I liked the pot scrubber immediately. It had "corners" with variations to fit into different parts of pans and pots. I particularly liked to use it on cake and bread pans to get into the corners where bits of cake and bread like to stick.

Then I figured out that one little scrubber was all I needed to do dishes at campgrounds. No washcloth, no sponge that refused to dry out and began to smell as the trip went on. As a matter of fact, I lost one of the scrubbers at a campground somewhere.

I continued to use the remaining scrubber but the marvelous cake pan corner wore out.

The Hong Kong scrubbers were no longer sold at the Dollar Tree.  The only place I could find them was on line and they were very expensive. Now they were called pot scrapers.

I finally found them at the Menards flyer this week. They were inexpensive and with a rebate, free.  I yelled "Eurkea", but I didn't have a car to drive to Appleton. I e-mailed Gary. The Illinois farm is close to the Sterling Menards.  I asked him to pick up a couple of packages for me.

Now if I told Gary that I needed a $40 gadget that required four batteries and three day delivery by UPS, he wouldn't blink an eye, but he has been arguing with me for several days about why I need these small pieces of nylon.

My brakes on my car were finally repaired today so after I picked it up, I drove to the nearest Menards and bought the scraper.

One goes in the kitchen, one goes into my box of camping cooking gear.  I should be good for another ten years.

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