Thursday, January 10, 2013

Flu Season

Gary just talked to me on the phone from Illinois to tell me he is planning on getting a flu shot tomorrow at a discount store. He hasn't had one in years but he is getting worried about the current flu epidemic in the United States. If he should get sick, there would be no one in that farmhouse to care for him, plus he wouldn't be able to visit his aunt every day.  She really depends on him coming to the nursing home each day.

We senior citizens are eligible each year for free flu shots through Medicare.  It is one of the benefits I've been grateful for. I always make sure I get my inoculation 

In the State of Wisconsin, our short sighted governor got legislation passed to limit paid sick days.  No work, no pay, which he said would help create jobs, though no one could figure that one out.  Now, however, it may be working.  People who can't afford to lose pay go to work sick and infect others who also stay on the job.  If the ill person deals with the public, such as in restaurant work, the flu is passed on and on and on. So far, 1300 people in the state have been hospitalized and it is expected to get much worse.

So maybe with all those people ill, new jobs will be created, even if they are temporary.

With the advent of Obamacare, those flu shots will soon be available for every citizen which will be  a blessing, especially for the poor.

Me, I stay healthy. I eat properly, take my vitamins and get plenty of exercise. The shot helps, of course, but as a writer, I work out of my house and don't see all that many people in the course of a day. I expect to get through the winter just fine.

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