Sunday, September 16, 2012


Tomorrow afternoon, I'll be telling stories at a Laona nursing home some two and a half hours north of here. Afterwards, I'll drive another hour to meet Gary at Lake Ottawa near Iron River, Michigan.  

It's getting cold in the northern forests, so Gary wants me to bring some of my vegetable soup for hot lunches.  Today, it was back out to the garden to pick tomatoes, zucchini, okra, onions, green beans and oregano.  Everything else I needed I found in the freezer, refrigerator or pantry. By 9:00 a.m. the soup was simmering and tonight I froze it up. That's five batches of soup I've made so far this season. Each batch makes about six quarts, so that's a lot of soup, all frozen into individual containers.  

The forecast is for rainy cold days so that soup is just what we require. 

When I get back on Thursday, there will be even more tomatoes.  I think I'll start making spaghetti sauce and salsa, too. 

My friend's mother continues to get weaker.  Should her days finally come to an end, I will have to  return from the campground to play the piano at the funeral service. 

While I am at the campground, I'll be working on the computer to get the publicity ready for the e-book Wade and I will publish this week and get started on my next short story. 

There is always something happening.  I wonder what will come up next?   

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