Monday, September 17, 2012


I found the Nu Rock nursing home/assisted living facility off Highway H in the town of Blackwell.  I seldom see nursing homes so far off the beaten track and was fascinated by this place in the forest. It was originally the woodland retreat of a lumber baron, built in the 1920s. I'm told the ballroom still exists on the second floor of the main part of the complex.  In the 1950s another family bought the place and began taking care of elderly residents.  Since then it's been expanded seven times to add a hospice, an Alzheimer unit, and a craft area but the arches between rooms, the hardwood floors and five fireplaces of the original structure are still there. There are fenced in areas so the Alzheimer patients can wander around outside and get fresh air without fear of getting lost in the forest.

I had fun with my audience who sang along with gusto and listened to the stories with only the occasional "Oh, my" and laughter to punctuate the best lines.  I expect I will be coming back.

Now, cold rain is falling on the Lake Ottawa campground, but Gary and I are snug inside the camper.  Though I love tent camping, a camper is a blessing when icy winds blow. The long drives from Seymour usually leave me enervated. I arrived damp and soon crawled into bed for a nap.We're now using fleece sheets and extra blankets in the beds.

I woke up to the sound of geese. The waterfowl are flocking together getting ready for their big migration. There are ten mergansers on the lake, youngsters who fledged this summer.  Gary rummaged around getting supper ready. I brought three containers of my homemade soup, perfect on this cold night. It warmed my innards and now I am sleepy again.

With rain forecast through most of the week, I will mostly be on the couch with my feet up reading my Nook. I have a Terry Pratchett novel, a mystery and a non-fiction account of life in Iraq to finish up.

Tomorrow we'll be at the St.Vincent de Paul thrift shop in Iron River.  Gary tells me they are having a dollar a bag clearance which is nice but I think I have enough stuff already. We'll see.

Now it's hot chocolate and soon bed.

Let it rain.

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