All writers establish their mode of working. Larry McMurty writes exactly 500 words a day, no more no less, then stops. Stephen King works each morning of every day with precisely scheduled times. Annie Dillard works in closed rooms with no windows and no distractions.
Me, I work best in the morning, in this office, with set goals for the day, and always in my ratty old bathrobe, the one with tea stains down the front. Until I accomplish most of the things on my list, here I stay. Some who might come to my door would think I am goofing off when they see me at noon still in my robe, but they would be wrong. When the bathrobe comes off and is replaced by daytime clothing, I am done working, at least at the computer.
So it was today. When I finally went out the door it was to go to the garden and pick beans which I then blanched for freezing. When I was done with that, it was time for the farmers market out on the highway. Besides looking for vegetables, I was there to meet Susan to celebrate her birthday with rainbow smoothies. By the time I had purchased green peppers, cucumbers, cilantro, one humongous cabbage, and an apricot almond scone, she had arrived.
Susan finished her shopping and we got our smoothies. At first we talked about going to a park with them but settled on my front porch which was shady and cool. We settled there and were talking about short stories and such when a couple of young people went down the street across the road. They waved at us, we waved at them then they came over. They promised they wouldn't talk about religion or politics which sounded fine to me. Instead, they were selling cleaning products.
I explained that I had no money and besides that I would never use cleaning products because I never cleaned and Susan backed me up on that one.
Mittens came over from next door, meowing. On Saturday, Elaine told me Mittens and Koala were going to the pound. Since she has been telling me that for two years, I doubted it. Here Mittens was, giving the two kids kitty love with purrs and nudges.
The girl admired my gardens so I picked a bouquet for her.
The kids left, Susan left. I weeded some in the garden, walked to the bank to use the ATM machine. When I got back I sent e-mails to nursing homes in Illinois to fill in blank spots in my October tour.
Tonight there's the Republican convention but darned if the speakers aren't all Republicans. They really should hire some liberals to spice up their speeches. Good thing we have Netflix.
All in all, a satisfactory day.
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