Thursday, May 24, 2012

Three Accomplishments

It was a windy day here in Wisconsin, so windy, gardening became next to impossible except for potting up some plants.  Just as well, because there were so many other things I had to get done. 

First, Gary and I went to Seymour's city hall to get our absentee ballots and cast our votes to get our governor recalled.  The election will be on June 5 and we expect to be camping again by then. We sincerely hope that this governor is recalled.  He has taken a state I've been proud of and made it an embarrassment.  Most pundits say the recall is about unions, but there is much more to it than that:  the environment (we're the state of John Muir, Aldo Leopold and Gaylord Nelson and deserve better), gun laws, larger class sizes,and cronyism. There's the state government turning against women by overturning equal pay laws, attacking Planned Parenthood, and suggesting single women are abusing their children.  

But we moved on to the Lutheran cemetery where we planted flowers at my parents' and my sister's grave.  Gary was a big help because the ground was like cement from the dry weather.  As we worked, we watched farmers in the far off fields trying to work the land.  Dust rose up from the dried fields.  We've had so little rain in the past months that we are nearing a state of drought.  We pitied any farmer who didn't have a cab on his tractor. When Gary lifted a shovel of dirt, the dust flew over us both.  I had grit in my teeth.  

We poured water from the cemetery's pump on the geraniums and dusty miller, but if the drought continues, within a couple of weeks, everything will die.  We'll be camping so there's not much we can do about that.  

Later on, I went to the United Methodist Church and spent over an hour filing music, so that I could leave the choir room in good shape for the next director.   I was going past the church a little later in the day and saw the pastor leaving.  I caught her and gave her the key to the church.  That's that except a stack of paperwork that probably can be thrown out.  I'll go through that this summer.  

That was quite enough to accomplish in one day.  It was still to windy to garden, so I took a long nap. 

Tonight, thunderstorms are moving around the state, but it looks like no rain will fall here.  Tomorrow I will be hauling water again.  

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