Sunday, October 31, 2010


Oh dear!  The Hawaiian library sites do not include e-mail addresses, only phone numbers and snail mail addresses.  I will call the Hawaiian library association and see what I can do about that.  So far organizing this trip hasn't cost me anything but a $5.95 blogging class.

As well as being a storyteller, musician and writer,  I am the choir director at the United Methodist Church here in Seymour, Wisconsin.  Sunday mornings are taken up with preparing, choir practice, and the service itself.  This afternoon, I will help decorate the church for this evening's Hallowe'en party.  Tonight, a community party with free food, snacks, and a movie for the munchkins.  With all that, I won't be home for trick-or-treaters this year. In previous Hallowe'ens, I sat on the porch with my one time neighbor Traci who brought a barrel of candy.  We caught up and roared with laughter as we remembered our days together, old pets, and ex-husbands.  Now she lives in another town.  

Oh well, I've missed before when I've been out and about telling ghost stories.

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