Friday, September 20, 2013

Reading and Clearing - This and That


Tisha forwarded an e-mail from one of my grandson's teachers:

"Saw Evan running down the hallway today and asked him to walk. His response was, 'I would, but I have a really good book I need to read.' When he came back through I asked him what he was reading and he told me the Tale of Despereaux. Glad he's enjoying reading!" 

A couple of weeks ago, his reading teacher caught him hiding and reading a book under the one the rest of the class were reading. "I've read that one already," he said. 

That's my Evan. I always tell Tisha his daddy and his grandma were exactly the same so there is no hope. Gary says the same. Readers are readers and there's naught to be done about it. 

I just came back from Anita's campsite. She gave me the "blue book" of instructions for camp hosts so that we could handle things until the 30th when we leave. Then she surprised me by saying she wants to come back as camp host next year though she thought Gary could have half the summer.  He says that will be fine, but really, we can't plan anything for sure until we hear from the big bosses about what they want done. No plans will be made until 2014.

We met the campground manager, Trenton Thomas, yesterday. He runs Lawn and Snow Removal Maintenance and takes care of campground from Black River Falls to Watersmeet to Iron River.  He and I chatted about music. He, too, plays the piano and even has a music degree but found, like me, that earning a living from music is not easy. He composes, plays and sings Christian music.

His website is

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