Wednesday, May 22, 2013


On a rainy day, Gary and I are doing interior work.  No gardening for me.  No work on the camper for him.

So I am trying to work on the Ontario tour while he is in the basement, building something, using every noisy tool he has. So that makes me think about noise.

One of my neighbors was complaining about the children next door making so much noise. They do scream a lot on their trampoline, but he has the noisiest riding lawnmower I've ever heard and a dog that barks nonstop every time I go out to garden.  That dog even barks late into the evening so I mask the noise with a fan.

Neighbors all around me like their lawn gadgets. There are lawnmowers, both push and riding. There are gas edging tools used on the edge of sidewalks. Hedge trimmers, leaf blowers, anything and everything and anything being used at any time during the day. Any one of the neighbors would tell me we live in a quiet neighborhood, but with so many doing yard work at different hours, the few minutes when they go into their houses for supper give me silence that is truly golden.

I finally had to ask one neighbor to move a wind chime which was so loud my fan couldn't cover the noise.
Another talks louder and louder the more beer he drinks.

Finally, on Sunday nights there are stock car races at the fairgrounds every Sunday night.  The fairgrounds are on the north side of town a mile away from here, but in the valley while we are on a ridge so the sound carries well. We get a stereo attack of cars revving their motors. Those who go to the races love them, but I like being out of town camping on Sunday nights.

I guess noise is in the ear of the listener.  

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