Friday, May 24, 2013


First of all, no frost hit Mathom Gardens as predicted.  None of the plants left outside were damaged save for two tomato plants that were blown over by wind. I expect my flowers and vegetables are safe now.

It took me an hour to bring all the potted plants inside yesterday and it took another hour to take them back out. Then I had more weeding, deadheading and planting to do.  But before all that happened, I had a short story to finish.

This story came out of a Skyping conversation I had with Wade Peterson over a week ago. I mentioned that when someone comes into money, they are suddenly viewed differently by friends, neighbors and relatives.  It goes with the territory.  I thought then that it would be a good idea to do a story about money. I talked about it with another friend and she said it was a grasshopper and ant story.

And that brought me to Aesop.  The result was "Aesop's Fable" now at Black Coffee Fiction  It's another Glen Valley story.  Glen Valley is a small Midwestern town with a variety of characters.  When Wade, Betty and I publish our next collection of short stories next September, we'll each have a separate section.  Wade will have Michael and Corncob tales about two sad sack guys with special abilities.  Betty will tell all about Porpoise McAllister, a misfit.  My stories will all take place in Glen Valley.  I figure I need at least six stories for the collection so I'll be writing those all summer.

In a week, Gary and I start our camping season which means that most of my writing, including this blog, will take place in the little office in our new camper. Writing each day is a discipline.  Will I be able to keep it up?

Tonight, I've been working through the itinerary for my July trip around Lake Superior. I have five libraries lined up and now I need to fill the time between with senior residences and nursing homes. These do little more than pay for the cost of gas.

Putting this life of mine together is rather like assembling a jigsaw puzzle. So many parts to my life and they all have to fit together smoothly.     

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