Tuesday, April 9, 2013


No, Phenology is not about bumps on the head.  That's Phrenology.  Phenology is keeping track of the seasons and what they bring.

I know when the swans should arrive because I've been keeping track of the birds at the Shiocton marsh for decades.  I keep track of wildflowers, too.

My most complete records are the yearly lists of the flowers in my gardens.  That is why I know this is a cold spring, just  as last year's was warmer than usual.

Today, only snowdrops, vinca and crocuses are blooming here.

One year ago, April 9, 2012 I had an entirely different list.
- daffodils
- tulips
- hyacinths
- pasque flower
- puchina
- scilla
- lungwort
- cherry tree
- chenadoxia
- vinca
- Virginia bell
- violets
- grape hyacinth
- kerai bush
- pear tree

That was not a normal spring in Northeast Wisconsin.  April 9, 2011 was.  That day the following were in bloom:
- crocus
- vinca
- scilla
- puchina
- snowdrop
- dwarf iris

This spring is not that much different than 2011's, in fact it's darn close.  I don't have scilla any more because I had to dig up the terrace strip last year.  Only puchina and dwarf iris are a little slower.  

So this really isn't that late a spring after all.

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