Monday, December 3, 2012

Home Again

It was a five hour drive from the Illinois farmhouse to my house. I like driving, it gives me time to think and now it was about the two houses.

My little house here in Seymour started out as a farmhouse, probably much like the one in Illinois and maybe even older, it's hard to say.  A carpenter named Schultz bought the house and moved it into Seymour around 1949.  Then he cut it in half.  One half is the beauty parlor on the other side of the street.  Mine was just the kitchen and perhaps a parlor, now the living room, topped by two bedrooms.  What what once was a pantry became a bathroom.  Later, a garage was added to the north side and a dining room to the south, making it a seven room house.

I have no idea of the location of the original farmhouse.

Shirley's farmhouse has four bedrooms upstairs, and a kitchen, dining room, sitting room and parlor downstairs.  Cut it in half and take the kitchen and dining room downstairs, two bedrooms upstairs, and it would be very close to my house about the time it was moved.  

But I prefer my little half house the way it is.

I've always liked little places. I prefer a tent to the fanciest camper. I like my little office, just the right size to work without too many distractions.

I once lived in a two room house trailer, so narrow that there was no couch, only a love seat.  The bedroom was so tiny the double bed reached the walls on three sides. That house was perfect for me.  I liked that I could clean it from one end to another in fifteen minutes.

So the Illinois farmhouse?  If I am to stay there much this winter, I'll select a little corner somewhere and set up there.....

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