Thursday, April 12, 2012

The Seventies

This week, I'm working on a new short story for our blog.  Last week it was "Love and the Sixties."  The next story will be "Love and the Seventies".  Right now I'm in the research stage.

I'm not going to include the Watergate scandal or the Jimmy Carter administration.  Those have very little to do with love.  I think feminism will have a role in the story.  By the 1970's, the war in Vietnam was ending, and the civil rights issue was incorporated into the women's movement.We were singing Helen Reddy's "I am Woman". At the same time, women became more and more stupid on television, a trend that seems to be continuing today.

Computers were getting smaller.  Clothes were getting weirder.  Wife swapping was a new social issue.

Me, I went back to school and got my degree.  I taught high school.  I had a baby. We lived in a trailer house. By the end of the decade, my marriage was coming to an end.  

Through all this there were cats.  There was Kid, Jocasta, Eddy Puss, Big Red, and Mischa.

How all of that will work its way into my story I don't know.  Once the research is done, I start typing and let the characters go where they will, no matter how silly the situations.  The lovely thing about computers is the ease of editing a lot of nonsense and making sense of it.

This short story is bringing back so many memories. The process should be a joy.

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