Saturday, March 26, 2011

Multi Tasking

I began this blog in a Fox Valley Technical College Course in this building in Neenah, Wisconsin. It was one of the best courses I've ever taken. By the end of that morning course, taught by Nikki Kallio, I had a blog set up and I was on my way.

But today, I am back, but taking a course on writing the historical novel which is a total waste of time. The instructor keeps talking, never involving the class. When anyone raises a hand, she snarls at the perpetrator and goes right on talking. I am learning nothing new about writing and getting no information about research, which is what I need to know before I go back to North Dakota next summer to work on a novel based on a story my Great Aunt Mabel told me.

This is wasted time, but I look at her and smile from time to time if she were imparting great wisdom, as as I write this blog entry.

It reminds me of taking classes in high school and college. I had a notebook with me at all times and while looking at the instructor with the look that indicates fascination with every word, I wrote letters to friends as if I were taking copious notes. By the end of the class, the letters were ready to insert into an envelope and mail.

Years later, my son did pretty much the same thing, sending me instant messages from his college courses. I suppose now one can hear the clicks as people tweet and text as they ignore boring professors.

The entry is finished. At least I've accomplished something this morning.

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