Sunday, March 6, 2011

Lenten music

We're heading into Lent now.  The Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper is followed by Ash Wednesday and there we are.  This means I must spend some time in the choir library finding music for the season heading to Easter.  We started work on "Stand in Awe" this morning during our before church practice.

We have three choirs in our church.  I direct the chancel choir, which we fondly call the Keystone Choir, because we seem so disorganized as we run around like the Keystone Cops of the silent movies.  Somehow it all works out, mostly because almost everyone reads music. We can change directions easily so we adapt to whatever the pastor throws at us.

The more contemporary group is the Praise and Worship Band.  We sometimes work up anthems together, such as "Washed in the Blood of the Lamb" with antiphonal parts for the two choirs,  Randy on the guitar, Diana on the tambourine, and me on the autoharp.

Amy leads the Sunday School Choir.  She worries about their performances before the congregation but I tell her all that they have to do is be cute, and she says I am probably right.  The little ones suck their thumbs, sit down to examine their underwear, or hug each other.   From time to time, the kids do duets with the chancel choir.  Amy and I think we have found a chorus they can easily remember while the chancel choir sings the verses.

By the time Lent is over, spring will have arrived.  By Memorial Day, I'll be ready for a summer's vacation.

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