Thursday, July 26, 2012

Circle Tour – Day 14 – End of the Road

The last performance on the tour was last night. Most of the performances went well, but last night's was exceptional, with an audience that was with me every step of the way, laughing and applauding. I've received an invitation from all the venues to come back and I may just do that in another year or two.

Gary packed up this morning and we were on our way home. Before we left Ontario we had to stop to get our Canadian money exchanged for American. At one stop, I heard an American talking to a cashier about Canada's “funny money” a slur he took as great comedy. He was taken aback when the cashier calmly informed him that the Canadian dollar is now worth more than the American greenback. So who's got the funny money now?

All I had left was some Canadian change because I'd already swapped bills with Gary. I had $6.25 in change for which I received six American bills. The odd pennies and nickles left went into a box for charity. It's much easier than trying to use it in the USA.

Then it was across the bridge to the American side. As usual, we sat on the bridge in traffic for a long, long time, watching the ships go through the Sault locks.

We finally reached customs where horror of horrors, we were detained and our van searched. It was only a spot check but just the same, as we sat in a waiting area, I reviewed all my past sins from hiding a candy cane I'd snitched behind my grandmother's couch when I was six or seven through six decade to the present day. Gary says we weren't there long enough to review all of his sins. We were soon released and sent on our way.

Then the all day ride through the Upper Peninsula and into Wisconsin. We began to see flags on lawns, something you don't see in Canada where patriotism has nothing to do with a piece of cloth. We had never seen big religious billboards there either. Now all is revealed: Jesus died for our sins and abortion and homosexuality are evil. Life is much simpler in Canada. And more fun, Gary says.

I will have to write up my thoughts about this trip, but that will have to wait until tomorrow when I've rested up.

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