Monday, November 14, 2011

Walking Atom

I've been walking Atom for over two weeks now.  

Atom is an interesting mix of two breeds:  boxer and Australian cattle dog.  The ears certainly look like a boxer's, but the face and the brindled fur are pure cattle dog.  That beautiful fur ripples as he runs, catching the eye of others out walking.  

There are some problems in walking Atom.  He loves people and wants to visit with anyone he sees.  At some point, he must have lived with a family with a pickup truck because he wants to investigate each one he sees.  Then there are white doors.  Why does he have to go up to each one?  A dog has secrets and we mere humans have no way to let them out.

Atom has taken me places in Seymour I haven't visited recently.   He took me down the Newton Blackmour Trail and there I found this bench:

 It certainly wasn't there in the spring when I was hunting asparagus.  When I worked on the Seymour Greenway Committee on improving the section of the trail that runs through our town, we talked about installing some benches.  We found out a boy scout wanted to do something to earn an Eagle Scout badge and referred him to the Outagamie County director of parks and trails.  I assume that he worked out the design of the benches.  In time, there should be benches every mile from just east of Seymour to New London.

What a fine place to sit and rest with Atom.

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