Friday, April 5, 2013

Last Day in Illinois

This afternoon, I helped Gary with work around the farm yard. My job was pulling up vines. It was the first gardening of the season so I enjoyed that, though I'll have a sore back tonight.

Now Gary is packing up his laundry and various gadgets he wants me to take back to Seymour tomorrow. He will join me there on April 10th. We have a month after that to do a few things like guard sturgeon and do the annual Midwest crane count, and then mid-May, camping season starts. We almost certainly will get a canoe trip on the Wolf River in there somewhere.

It was Bettyann Moore's turn to do a story and post it at Black Coffee Fiction It turned out that her story was too long, so she will do a two or three part story which means I won't have to write another for another three or four weeks. I am looking at that as a vacation from writing.

Instead, I am going to be working on PR for the three books I've written or co-written since September 2012. It is time to set up more book signing events, to work on learning about social media, and dropping books off at local libraries.

Decades of Love and Other Disasters has joined the others at I checked the sales statements a little while ago. I've now sold enough books to get a royalty check in May. I am hoping to make that a regular thing.

I'll also be working on setting up more storytelling tours. There will be the Circle Tour around Lake Superior in July. Liz Miller from New Zealand has asked me to meet her in Jonesborough, Tennessee in October, though I am not sure the Mercury Sable is up for a drive in the Appalachian Mountains. And of course, I want a tour in February 2014, my annual Get Away from Snow excursion.

There is plenty do do.  A busy summer ahead.

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