Sunday, June 19, 2011


It's been raining all day.  Every so often the rain  let up a bit then Gary and I dashed out to the car, which is sitting in the driveway, with another basket or container with clothes, camping gear, maps, paperwork.

This was a haphazard way to pack, so I will probably be re-organizing for a week.

After thinking about the flooding in North Dakota, I decided to call Fort Abraham Lincoln State Park in Mandan to see how things stood there.   They stood under six feet of Missouri water, I was told, so I won't be camping there.  The attendant suggested the KOA campground which is on higher ground.  I am not a fan of KOAs, but with the flooding and a big softball tournament in Bismarck, I decided I wouldn't be choosy.  I made a reservation and now have a place to stay four days from now.

Tomorrow, I leave at 10:00 a.m.  I'll meet my brother Carl and his wife Sue in Ashland for dinner, then will drive on to the campground on Lake Wakonta.  With rain forecast, I will likely be sleeping in the station wagon.

So it begins.  Tonight will be my last night in a bed for some time.

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