Monday, June 20, 2011

The First Day

The first day of any trip is when one finds out that everything was packed in the wrong place or there is too much junk, or not enough.  I am still looking for my vitamins and some writing materials I am sure I brought along.  

The first day is when one should establish good eating habits.  That went by quickly when Gary demanded a farewell breakfast of eggs, bacon and fried potatoes.  I left with a belly full of grease.  It was good though. I made up for it in Phillips with a broccoli-cauliflower salad lunch.

The beginning of a trip is when you start an exercise regimen.  So far, I stopped at the Wisconsin Concrete Forest south of Philips to hike the nature trail, only half a mile,but that's a start. I'll try to walk the rails-to-trails section in Ashland.

The Concrete Forest was constructed by a retired logger named Fred Smith.  He worked on it for about fifteen years starting around 1950.  I think it was folksinger Skip Jones who told me about coming back from a gig in pea soup fog and pulling off the road to sleep until sunrise.  He woke up to see the fog lifting and these strange figures emerging.  

That would weird anyone out. 

Right now, I'm in the Phillips library. Nothing much new on this first day, Gary and I have camped in the area before. I'll meet my brother and his wife for supper then it's on to the campground.,

Tomorrow it's Minnesota, back roads, small towns and adventures.


  1. I lived just south of Phillips for the first six years of my life. Never made it to Concrete County Park at an age where I can remember it. Thanks for the pics!

  2. Glad we can keep in contact with you through your blog.

